
Which Of The Following Represents The Use Of Osmotic Pressure As A Microbial Control Method?

6.14F: Osmotic Pressure

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  • Osmotic pressure is the force per unit area which must be applied to a solution to forbid the inward menstruation of h2o across a semipermeable membrane.


    Interpret osmotic pressure every bit a means of microbial control

    Key Takeaways

    Fundamental Points

    • Osmotic pressure is of vital importance in biological science as the cell's membrane is selective toward many of the solutes found in living organisms.
    • When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water actually flows out of the cell into the surrounding solution thereby causing the cells to shrink and lose its turgidity. Hypertonic solutions are used for antimicrobial control.
    • Salt and sugar are used to create hypertonic environs for microorganisms and are ordinarily used as food preservatives.

    Key Terms

    • turgidity: Turgidity (turgor pressure) pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall of plant, bacteria, and fungi cells equally well as those protiat cells which have jail cell walls.

    Osmotic force per unit area is the pressure which needs to be applied to a solution to prevent the inward menstruation of h2o across a semipermeable membrane. It is also divers as the minimum pressure needed to nullify osmosis.The phenomenon of osmotic force per unit area arises from the tendency of a pure solvent to move through a semi-permeable membrane and into a solution containing a solute to which the membrane is impermeable. This process is of vital importance in biology as the jail cell's membrane is selective toward many of the solutes found in living organisms.

    Effigy: Salami: The original meaning of the discussion is: all kind of salted (meats).

    Osmosis causes h2o to flow from an area of low solute concentration to an area of loftier solute concentration until the two areas accept an equal ratio of solute to h2o. Normally, the solute diffuses toward equilibrium every bit well; still, all cells are surrounded by a lipid bilayer prison cell membrane which permits the flow of water in and out of the prison cell but restricts the flow of solute nether many circumstances. As a issue, when a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water rushes into the membrane, increasing its volume. Eventually, the prison cell's membrane is enlarged such that it pushes confronting the cell's rigid wall. In an isotonic solution, h2o flows into the jail cell at the same rate it flows out. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water actually flows out of the cell into the surrounding solution causing the cells to compress and lose its turgidity. 2 of the near mutual substances used to create hypertonic environment for microorganisms and prevent them from growing are common salt and sugar. They are widely practical in food preservation.

    Table salt (sodium chloride) is the primary ingredient used in meat curing. Removal of water and add-on of common salt to meat creates a solute-rich environs where osmotic pressure draws h2o out of microorganisms, thereby retarding their growth. Doing this requires a concentration of salt of most 20%.

    Sugar is used to preserve fruits, either in syrup with fruit such every bit apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums or in crystallized form where the preserved material is cooked in sugar to the bespeak of crystallisation and the resultant production is then stored dry. The purpose of sugaring is to create an environment hostile to microbial life and foreclose food spoilage. From fourth dimension to time, sugaring has also been used for non-food preservation. For instance, dear was used as part of the mummification process in some ancient Egyptian rites. Withal, the growth of molds and fungi is non suppressed as efficiently as the growth of bacteria.

    Which Of The Following Represents The Use Of Osmotic Pressure As A Microbial Control Method?,


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